What is tourism and types of tourism? Best notes 2024

As we know in past years the tourism industry has been growing and day by day it is becoming famous and being widely spread, In this article, you will come to know what is tourism and the types of tourism in straightforward language, Each and everything will be discussed in detail, so stay tuned to this article.

What is tourism

A person who travels from one place to another for any purpose, it could be leisure, business, religion, education, etc. and there he is getting the services and for those services, he is paying is called ‘Tourism.

1. Religious Tourism

When we hear the term religious it automatically strikes in mind that it must be related to religion, god, worship, faith, etc. Religious tourism is defined as a person who travels from one place to another to worship god, who believes in religion, beliefs, practices, etc.

For example- A group traveling to Varanasi, Khatu Shyam, or Vaishno Devi. Sometimes this type of tourism is a particular community of people of that specific place, likewise every year lots of people travel to Vrindavan during the festival of Janmashtami.  It is also known as spiritual or pilgrimage tourism.

Last but not least religious tourism provides an opportunity to connect with one’s faith and eagerness to learn about other religions and cultures.

Positive and Negative Impact
S.no Positive Impact Negative Impact
1. Spirituality awareness Commercialization
2. Cultural exchange Overcrowding
3. Community development Conflict
4. Economic benefits Unsustainable practices
5. Building peace, unity, and brotherhood Disruption of local communities


2. Business Tourism

Business Tourism is defined as a person who travels from one place to another for business purposes which include meetings, incentives, conferences, events, etc. For example- A person traveling from one place to another for promotion of the brand, conventions, product, etc. 

Sometimes business travelers travel from India abroad for sales meetings or seminars. It is also known as corporate tourism or MICE tourism. When usually business travelers travels, all the travel arrangements are done by the travel agents such as air tickets, accommodations, etc. The duration of business travelers is for a short period and generally, sometimes they decide on their trip at the last minute.

Business tourism generates lots of income in the tourism industry as business traveler looks for the best not for the cheapest he is not worried about the cost as they only want comfort and quality.

Positive and Negative Impact
S.no Positive Impact Negative Impact
1. Economic growth  Disruption of local life
2. Knowledge exchange and innovation Inequality
3. Destination branding Loss of Authenticity
4. Cultural exchange Exploitation of labor
5. Research collaboration Environmental Impact


3. Leisure Tourism

Leisure tourism is defined as a person who travels from one place to another to enjoy beautiful sceneries, beaches, islands, historical sites, etc. For example- As we all know in today’s life human beings are so busy that they hardly get time to relax, enjoy, or even get time to spend with their loved ones, so to take a break from their busy life they choose leisure tourism.

Another example- A person traveling from Delhi to Goa for beaches, islands, and activities. It is also known as holiday tourism. This type of tourism can be domestic or international. A family is traveling to Dubai and there they will visit sites like Burj Khalifa, Wild Wadi Park, desert safari, Dubai Aquarium, etc. Its main motive is entertainment, recreation, and relaxation. Leisure tourism also allows tourists to experience something new or different.

Positive and Negative Impact
S.no Positive Impact Negative Impact
1. Environmental conservation Environmental Degradation
2. Preservation of Heritage Cultural Commodification
3. Infrastructure development Displacement of local communities
4. Give business to local and tribals Increased cost of living
5.  Education and learning Social and cultural


4. Cultural Tourism

Cultural tourism is defined as a person who travels from one place to another for fairs, festivals, music, art galleries, museums, and historical sites, and even the travelers have the curiosity to learn about each other’s way of life, beliefs, thoughts, their people and their culture. For example – When a trade fair is held in Delhi many people travel to Delhi from different countries both domestic and international to participate or enjoy in fair. 

Another example- During the Holi festival lots of people travel to Vrindavan to celebrate Holi as Holi is famous there and the way of celebrating is also different and these things every year attract lots and lots of tourists.

Positive and Negative Impact
S.no Positive Impact Negative Impact
1. Cultural Exchange Damage to Heritage Sites
2. Sustainable Development Social Conflicts
3. Preservation of Traditions Economic Inequality
4. Economic Diversification Environmental Degradation
5. Promotion of Arts and Creativity Cultural Commodification


5. Education Tourism

Education tourism is defined as a person who travels from one country to another for education or to learn or gain skills. For example- Every year a lot of people from India travel to Canada for higher studies. The motive of education tourism is to provide students with the best education and information. 

Education tourism has given me a great way to learn about different fields of study or industries and new career opportunities. Day by Day education tourism is increasing as more people are interested as more people are interested in expanding their knowledge and experience beyond their countries. 

Positive and Negative Impact
S.no Positive Impact Negative Impact
1. Personal Growth Brain Drain
2. Language Skills Cultural Insensitivity
3. Promotion of Education Cultural Homogenization
4. Cross-Cultural Understanding Exploitation of Host Communities
5. Community Engagement Social Stratification


6. Adventure Tourism

Adventure tourism is a person who travels from one place to another for an adventure, including trekking, mountaineering, paragliding, scuba diving, climbing, rafting, etc. For example- A person is traveling to Goa for various activities like rafting, scuba diving, snorkeling, etc.

Adventure tourism is a different type of tourism as it is more challenging and involves lots of risks. This type of tourism gives a person a new and thrilling experience. Adventure tourism attracts travelers who want challenging experiences, pushes them from their comfort zone, and allows them to connect with nature and culture uniquely, giving them the best memory and experience.

Mostly young people are attracted to adventure tourism as lots of excitement, fun, and enjoyment are involved. This type of tourism includes water activities, land activities, and aerial activities.

Positive and Negative Impact
S.no Positive Impact Negative Impact
1. Conservation Awareness  Disruption of Local Communities
2. Community Empowerment Damage to Trails
3. Health and Well-being Risk  Risk of Accidents
4. Personal Growth Strain on Rescue Services
5. Research and Education Resource Consumption


7. Sports Tourism

Sports tourism is defined as a person traveling from one country to another for sports events or activities. For example – Recently many people from different countries went to Qatar to watch the FIFA World Cup. 

Another example- When IPL is held it attracts lots of people as people from different countries come to see the IPL match. In 2010 Common Wealth Games were held in Delhi in lots of people visited both domestically and internationally to see the competition, races, matches, etc. And we all know that when it comes to sports people are crazy to watch live sports, matches, and competitions. The main motive of sports tourism is enjoyment, fun, and contributing to local economies, and people come to know about customs and traditions. 

Positive and Negative Impact
S.no Positive Impact Negative Impact
1. Job opportunities Strain on Resources
2. Increased Revenue for Local Businesses Negative Social Behavior
3. Promoting Active Lifestyles Displacement of Residents
4. Cultural Exchange Higher Costs for Residents
5. Destination Marketing Environmental Impact

8. Medical Tourism

Medical tourism is defined as people traveling to different countries for health purposes or treatment. It is also known as health tourism. For example- In Delhi, Medanta Hospital is one of the most famous and popularly known for the best treatment so many people from foreign visit here to get their treatment done. 

This type of tourism has helped to spread and educate many people about health. In fact, from India, people travel to get their treatment done. Medical tourism has given employment to many people. In every country, there are also government hospitals so that if a person faces money problems he can get his treatment done in that hospital.

Positive and Negative Impact
S.no Positive Impact Negative Impact
1. Improved Healthcare Infrastructure Language and Communication 
2. Availability of Specialized Treatments Long Travel Times
3. Quality Health Loss Loss of Revenue for Home Countries
4. Cost Savings Spread of Disease
5. Privacy and Confidentiality Legal and Liability Issues

9. Ethnic Tourism

Ethnic tourism is defined as people traveling from one place to another to observe the lifestyle, art, music, language, and customs of the indigenous people or cultural groups.

For example- Lots of people travel to Rajasthan during the Pushkar fair because they are interested in knowing their customs of living, language, traditional rituals and practices, music, dance, etc. This type of tourism creates interest in travelers’ minds to know everything about the local community or indigenous people as they get experience in living in rural areas like a village, drinking water from the well, their traditions, etc.

Ethnic tourism generates income for the locals, and the promotion of local culture is also done and boosts the local economy as well.

Positive and Negative Impact
S.no Positive Impact Negative Impact
1. Promotion of Local Cuisine Loss of Authenticity
2. Interpersonal Connections Erosion of Traditions
3. Increased Cultural Pride Resource Depletion
4. Economic Development Commercialization
5. Cultural Exchange and Understanding Cultural Appropriation

10. Wildlife Tourism

Wildlife tourism is a person traveling from one place to another to watch animals, fish, photograph wildlife, etc. For example- Jim Corbett is a famous National park in Uttarakhand which attracts lots of tourists to watch the wildlife or animals.

This type of tourism is preferred especially by nature and wildlife lovers. Another example- In Delhi, lots of families go to the zoo which is loved by the children, and wildlife tourism is also the first preference of the children. Even when people plan their trip they specially ask their travel agent to include safari, zoos, etc. in their package.

Day by day wildlife tourism is increasing a lot, giving business to travel agents and providing jobs as well. Wildlife tourism gives a thrilling experience that is why it is preferred by a lot of people.

Positive and Negative Impact
S.no Positive Impact Negative Impact
1. Conservation Funding Disease Transmission
2. Research Opportunities Pollution
3. Increased Awareness illegal Wildlife Trade
4. Habitat Protection Disturbance to Wildlife
5. Community Involvement Unregulated Tourism

11. Dark Tourism 

Dark tourism means a person who travels from one place to another for death purposes, tragedy, or any other mishappening that happens.
These things can happen in crime places or any other trade sites. Dark tourism is also called grief tourism. People especially in dark tourism visit to show their respect and show them as a part of their family and the country.

Their main motive is to give support to them and their family in their hard times. Earlier if we talk about the past the War memorials and battlefields were considered dark tourism sites. The main motivation for Dark tourism was education, remembrance, catharsis, and sensationalism. And people are also motivated by dark tourism to understand the darker aspects of human history.

Positive and Negative Impact
S.no Positive Impact Negative Impact
1. Historical Education Exploitation
2. Preservation of Memory Emotional Distress
3. Cultural Exchange Disruption to Local Communities
4. Fundraising for Preservation Risk  Risk of Trivialization
5. Psychological Healing Controversies and Ethical Dilemmas

12. Sex Tourism 

Sex tourism is defined as people who travel from one place to another to have sex or for sexual activities and amenities. For example- Thailand is a country where the main motive of people traveling is to have sex and indulge in sexual activities that give people pleasure and entertainment. This activity is a legally accepted and popular destination for sex.

This is the source of income for girls to make lots of money. And this tourism attracts both young and old men. Sexual tourism has also pushed and given respect like services of prostitution and escort services. There are many countries where sex services are provided services they charge a certain amount of money.

Positive and Negative Impact
S.no Positive Impact Negative Impact
1. Foreign exchange earning Social and Cultural Issues
2. Pleasure Health Risks
3. Earning opportunities Legal and Ethical Concerns
4. Economic activities Exploitation and Human Trafficking
5. Joy and fun illegal practice


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Why is tourism considered as a trade?

Tourism is considered a trade as it involves various activities such as the exchange of goods and services, creating jobs, and marketing and promoting tourism products.

What is agro tourism?

Agro-tourism pushes the traveler to indulge in activities related to agriculture and rural. It gives the opportunity to tourists to learn and experience about agriculture, the environment, and rural communities.

What is a tourism product?

Tourism product includes accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, tour package, activities, etc.

What is hospitality?

Hospitality means services that are provided by a hotel to the tourist.


This post is all about what is tourism and the types of tourism. If we talk about types of tourism, there are many types of tourism like religious, education, leisure, wildlife, dark, ethnic, medical, etc. These are the specific reasons why a person travels from one place to another and how these types of tourism have benefit to the people and country.

In this blog, I have explained everything thing clearly with examples. As In today’s world as we know tourism industry is growing fast and has spread mutual understanding between people and created many job opportunities for locals. It has given opportunity to people to explore and make memorable memories and to continue with that process it is responsible for every individual to take care of the tourism industry so that future ones can also have this wonderful opportunity.