Best notes for TS-5 – Ecology, Environment and Tourism – 2024

In this article all the essential aspects of TS-5 ( Ecology, Environment, and Tourism)  are covered in each unit, so especially when you’re preparing for the exam or even for the assignment going through this article, will be beneficial. So stay tuned to this article to learn about the TS-5.

TS-5 – Ecology, Environment and Tourism

Define Ecology and Environment

Ecology – It means studying the relationship between plants, animals, and people interacting with each other and their surroundings. It involves figuring out their relationship in nature and the interaction between them and their homes.

Environment means all the living and nonliving things that surround us. Examples of living things may include human beings, plants, animals, etc. Non-living things may include a door, book, chair, etc.

What is an environmental factor?

Environmental factors means things which include things such as air, water, human activities, and living things around us. The Environmental factor plays a great role in animals, plants, and human beings’ lives.

What is an ecosystem? Name 2 biotic and abiotic component.

An ecosystem is a big community of living and nonliving things. Living things may include plants, flowers, animals, microorganisms, etc. Nonliving things may include air, water, and soil. In an ecosystem living organisms interact with each other and their physical environment.

Biotic Component – plants and animal
Abiotic Component – sunlight and soil.

Why producer are essential components of an ecosystem?

The producers are essential components of an ecosystem as they play a very crucial role. For example – For plants, make food from sunlight. For living things without producers, there won’t be a source of energy for plants. And this considers the powering of the ecosystem. Herbivores rely on the producers only. Producers are the lifeblood and the supporting system of the ecosystem.

Define Biome

A biome is a large geographic unit characterized by specific plant types, animal types, and climate. They are defined by various factors such as temperature, vegetation, forest, grassland, and tundra. And Each biome has its specific environmental conditions.

Define Ecotone

An Ecotone is a transitional zone where two distinct biomes meet and interact. These Ecotone can be narrow or extensive and are considered important for the biodiversity and ecotone interface.

How many biogeographical regions are there in India?

There are 10 biogeographical regions in India.

What is meant by biodiversity?

Biodiversity means different types of living things like plants, animals, and tiny organisms. It also includes a variety of species, ecosystems, and genetic diversity. Biodiversity is crucial for the stability and sustainability of ecosystems and plays a vital role in biodiversity.

What do you understand by environmental conservation?

Environment conservation means taking care of and keeping our planet and environment. The main agenda of environment conservation is to protect our natural resources like air, water, soil, and wildlife so that they can be used in the future as well. It also aims to reduce pollution and preserve habitat.

In what ways ecotourism plays a positive as well as negative role in an environment?

Positive role

  • Ecotourism helps in promoting conservation and preserving natural habitats and wildlife.
  • It helps protect biodiversity, flora, and fauna as well.
  • It helps in creating job opportunities and economic opportunities.
  • It gives a push to encouraging cultural exchange between visitors and local communities.
  • It provides educational opportunities for tourists and promotes the importance of environmental conservation and sustainable practices.

Negative role

  • A huge no of tourists can harm habitat, wildlife, and soil erosion.
  • Infrastructure development for tourism can also harm the ecosystem and environment.
  • Improper water disposal also plays a negative role in the environment.
  • Tourists can also harm flora and fauna and this can impact the ecosystem and the environment.
  • Overconsumption of resources and cultural disruption can also impact the environment.

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What are the four types of ecology?

The four types of ecology are organismal, population, community and ecosystem ecology.

Who is Indian father of Ecology?

The Indian father of Ecology is Ramdeo Mishra.

Who first discovered ecology?

Ernst Hackel discovered first ecology.

What are the benefits of environmental in tourism?

Preservation of Biodiversity, Community Engagement, Ecotourism Opportunities, and Cultural Preservation are some benefits of environmental in tourism.


Ts-5 is all about Ecology, Environment, and Tourism. This post covers topics like Define Ecology and Environment, What an environmental factor, ecosystem, Distinguishing among herbivores, carnivores, and omnivores, Why producers are essential components of an ecosystem, Define Biome and ecotone, How many biogeographical regions are there in India, What you understand by environmental conservation, In what ways ecotourism plays a positive as well as negative role in an environment, etc. Here you will find the all important aspects of TS-5 for exam preparation and assignment.