Best Notes for MTTM-7 Managing Sales And Promotion In Tourism

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MTTM-7 Managing Sales And Promotion In Tourism

Explain the essential tasks that need to be performed to consummate a successful sale. 

Here are some essential tasks that need to be performed to consummate a successful sale:-

  • First of all identify the customer’s need and preference.
  • Listen carefully to what the customer is saying, then tell the about the benefit of the product according to his needs and how beneficial is this product for him.
  • Tell the customers how your company is reliable from how many years it has been dealing with this particular product.
  • Tell the details of the product which includes price, features, reliability, etc.
  • Negotiate as per the customer’s requirement and tell him the payment method.
  • Make him satisfied and ensure him if he faces any problems then our customer support 24*7 is always available.
  • And Last but not least try to build good and long-term relationships with customers.

What do you understand by Sales Objectives?

Sales objectives refer to the goals set by an individual to achieve profit by making several sales. The main focus is to make various strategies in terms of sales volume and revenue. Sales objectives help to enhance the business growth and other targets related to sales. And also guides the sales team to work appropriately to achieve the desired sales goals.

How has the Internet influenced tourism selling?

Here are some reasons that how the Internet influenced tourism selling:-

  • As we know people usually visit travel agencies to book their accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, etc. but nowadays through OTA ( Online Travel Agencies) and various booking sites like Make My Trip, Expedia,, Yatra it has become easy as according to customer needs, budget and flexibility he can book his travel.
  • Various travel apps have been invented through which you can explore nearby attractions, and shopping centers, sightseeing, book a ride, accommodation and even you can see maps as well.
  • Social Media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have affected a tourism lot, In today’s generation people are so active on social sites, and various people through social media spread awareness regarding hotels, destinations, tourism, etc.
  • Online Reviews And Ratings also have created trust in people as when customers tend to book either a hotel or sightseeing they first see the online reviews and ratings and then prefer whether to book or not.
  • Nowadays various bloggers are writing articles on tourism for example why to go go to in December, top 10 places in Dubai, etc. through which people are coming to in detail, pushing them to visit and according to that also they prefer to choose.

Explain some situations when personal selling becomes more relevant.

Here are some situations when personal selling becomes more relevant:-

  • The first situation when personal selling becomes more relevant is when the salesperson directly comes in touch with the consumer and explains about the product and even clears the doubts if consumer has related to the product.
  • The second situation when personal selling becomes more relevant is as we know due to online fraud and scams people generally have trust issues, so in personal selling, a salesperson can easily create trust and directly convince consumers to purchase the product.
  • The third situation when personal selling becomes more relevant is when the trust is created it helps to build long-term relationships, and when a new product or innovative product is launched, the salesperson finds it easy to sell to the consumer.
  • The fourth situation when personal selling becomes more relevant is when a salesperson directly has words with the consumer, he gets an idea of what the consumer’s needs and preferences are, and according to that, he tells about the product and how it is going to be beneficial for you, and this is how the sale is generated.

What do you mean by prospecting?

Prospecting means selecting customers who are interested in buying the product only the thing is salesperson again has to ping him up and make him remember that for this product we had words so can we move on? Prospecting is the second step in converting leads into sales. Prospecting is also considered as an opportunity to grow the business which could make the company even more profitable.

What is the Full Form of AIDAS?

The full form of AIDAS is Attention, Interest, Desire, Action, and Satisfaction.

Define the purpose of the presentation

The purpose of a presentation is to spread information to the audience related to education, business, training, jobs, etc. Presentation helps to audience easily understand appropriately. The presentation contains slides, images, and video which makes them remember easily, and day by day it is the best method for teaching as well.

List the basic responsibilities of a salesperson.

Some basic responsibilities of a salesperson include:-

  • The Salesperson should be confident and speak to the customer in a comprehending way so that he might listen to you and make sure to provide accurate information.
  • The Salesperson should tell details about the product to the customer and try to figure out his preferences and needs and then according to that tell how the product will be beneficial for you.
  • The salesperson should generate leads and do prospecting and should be able to convert them into sales.
  • The salesperson should build long-term relationships with clients so that it helps to get repetitive customers.
  • If a customer faces any issues related to the product then sales salesperson should first listen to what he is saying and then accept and provide him with a solution.

Name a few sources of recruitment

Here are a few sources of recruitment:-

  • Job websites
  • Direct Walk-ins
  • Newspaper
  • Word of Mouth
  • Radio
  • Social Media
  • Job Portals
  • Events
  • Recruitment agencies

What do you understand by stress interview?

It is a type of interview in which the interviewer creates a stressful environment for the candidate to check how he is going to deal with it. This type of interview is designed to check the candidate’s performance under pressure and how he is doing to deal with or react. An interviewer does check that under pressure he will be nervous or still be confident to handle the pressure.

List the functions of a Sales Manager.

Here are some functions of a sales manager:-

  • Building long-term relationships with the customer
  • Providing accurate information
  • Motivating and managing the team
  • Do Market research
  • Budgeting and Innovative
  • Sales Meeting

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What are the popular promotional strategies used to promote tourism products and services?

Promotional strategies used to promote tourism products and service can be videos, blogs, Content creation, blogs, travel fairs, social media and digital marketing.

What is personal selling role in tourism?

Personal selling role in tourism involves direct interaction between a travel agent and potential customers.

Who promotes tourism?

National Tourism Boards promotes tourism.

Who is responsible for promoting tourism in India?

The Ministry of Tourism is responsible for promoting tourism in India.


Mttm-7 is all about Managing Sales And Promotion In Tourism. This post covers topics like Explaining the essential tasks that need to be performed to consummate a successful sale, What you understand by Sales Objectives?, and How has the Internet influenced tourism selling. Explain some situations when personal selling becomes more relevant, What do you mean by prospecting? What is the Full Form of AIDAS?, Define the purpose of the presentation, List the basic responsibilities of a salesperson., Name a few sources of recruitment, What do you understand by stress interview? And List the functions of a Sales Manager. Here you will find the all important aspects of MTTM-7 for exam preparation and assignment.