Best notes for MTTM-2 | Human Resource Planning And Development In Tourism

In this article all the essential aspects of MTTM-2 are covered in each unit, so especially when you’re preparing for the exam or even for the assignment going through this article, will be beneficial. So stay tuned to this article to learn about the MTTM-2.

MTTM-2 Human Resource Planning And Development

What do you understand by human resource planning?

Human resource planning means it is the process of approaching the right people with the right skills in an organization so that they make the organization profitable and do not needful work. Human resource planning is done for the organization’s current needs and future needs. It helps in understanding the company’s goals and objectives.

What are the dimensions of manpower supply?

Here are the dimensions of manpower supply:-

  • Stock and flow – This includes the availability of stocks in the company to meet the customers’ requirements. Here flow means the five-year plan period of the company.
  • Quantity and Quality – It means that there should huge quantity of products, and the products should be of quality and for that, we need the right employees for these various tasks in an organization.
  • Occupation and education – Occupation describes the work of the employee and education tells about how much knowledge is required to complete this particular task.
  • Macro and Micro level includes the current stock of manpower, Manpower also needs flexibility in the organization. Proper placement of employees so that they work in a better condition to run the business smoothly.

Define Job Analysis.

Job Analysis – It is the process of analyzing information about a particular job. It tells about the job responsibilities, tasks, requirements, and skills in detail so that an individual gets a clear picture of the job position. It helps in understanding the requirements of selective candidates according to the job posting and by job analysis, the organization also finds the right candidate with the right skills for a particular job position.

What are the uses of Job Analysis?

Here are some uses of job analysis:-

  • It helps in recruiting and selecting the right candidate for the right position in the organization.
  • It helps to provide training for the selective candidates to develop the organization.
  • Job analyst determines different jobs within an organization and also creates a fair compensation structure that reflects the job’s responsibilities.
  • It helps to plan the future needs of the organization.
  • Job analysis also helps in creating a safer work environment.
  • It also ensures that each and everything is running under the rules and regulations.

Tell some guidelines for writing a job description.

Here are some guidelines for writing a job description:-

  • Always write in a simple and easy language, don’t copy from any website or app.
  • At the very beginning write the job title of the job responsibilities. Example –Travel Agent.
  • Write an overview of the responsibilities and the main role of the job.
  • Outline the primary duties that will be performed by the candidate.
  • mention the skill, qualification, and experience required for this particular job profile because according to that also candidates will come to know whether they have to apply for this job or not.
  • If there are any additional skills required or any other certification course then mention that also.
  • Give a brief introduction of the company and mention the year from how many years it has been working.
  • Then specify the salary, perks, bonus, cab facilitate, PF, insurance, etc.
  • And in the last mention the location and contact information from where various candidates will contact you.

How would you gather job information?

  • Social sites – In today’s world social sites are the top sources of job information as most people are active on social sites like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, etc.
  • Books- Many authors provide job information through books.
  • Newspaper and Magazine – It is the oldest form of spreading Job information even today people are in the habit of reading newspapers and magazines in search of information.
  • Television and Radio- It is also one of the oldest and best forms of telling job hiring information as people who are illiterate people they can easily gain job information by listening on television.
  • Blog – Nowadays blogs are also trending as people write various articles on job vacancies to spread this information to a large audience.
  • Podcasts – It is also used to spread job information as adults and children both are attracted to the podcasts.
  • Online job portals – There are many online job portals like, indeed, Glassdoor, apna jobs, LinkedIn, etc. from where the candidates can get the job according to their skills needs, and qualifications.
  • Many recruitment agencies provide jobs to the candidates.

Explain information is called the very “stuff of planning”?

Information is called the very stuff of planning because it provides important data that helps in understanding, guiding, creating plans, and as well as making decisions. Information also helps us to prepare for different scenarios and gives clarity for effective planning. Accurate information also helps us in achieving our desired goals.

What do you mean by HRA?

Human resource audit refers to the procedures which include various activities like employee records, policies, and procedures, any illegal activities are not taking place, no discrimination is done between employees they are treated fairly, and check all the necessary and legal compliance.

What is human resource accounting?

Human resource accounting refers to measuring human resources within an organization. It focuses on the individual’s skills, abilities, qualifications, and contributions. In an organization, employees are treated as valuable assets of the company rather than other additional expenses in financial status. Human resource accounting involves the cost of recruiting and training employees which is beneficial for the company’s growth and makes the company profitable.

What is the cost? 

Cost refers to the expenses of the organization which include resources, goods, stock, services, and related human resources. Cost in an organization can be in the direct form or indirect form. Cost is also used for the maintenance of the organization.

Human Resources and its major components?

The Major components of human resources include:-

  • Recruiting and selecting
  • Training and development
  • Hiring and Placement
  • On job training
  • Perks and benefits
  • Human resource accounting.
  • Labour laws and Compliance.
  • Compensation and Insurance
  • Organizational culture.

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What is the Title of MTTM Course?

The Title of MTTM Course is Management in Tourism and Travel Management.

What is the role of human resource development in the tourism industry?

The role of human resource development in the tourism industry is to enhance customer service and ensure a positive visitor experience.

What is the full form of PPP in tourism?

The full form of PPP in tourism is Public Private Partnership.

What is the full form of ATM in tourism?

The full form of ATM in tourism Arabian Travel Market.


Mttm 2 is all about Human Resource Planning And Development. This post covers topics like What you understand by human resource planning, dimensions of manpower supply, Define Job Analysis, uses of Job Analysis, guidelines for writing a job description, and How you gather job information, Explaining information is called the very “stuff of planning, What do you mean by HRA, human resource accounting, What is the cost, Human Resources and its major components. Here you will find the all important aspects of MTTM 2 for exam preparation and assignment.