Seasonality in Tourism- Best Notes 2024

In this blog, I will explain the seasonality in tourism in detail, and other topics are also discussed like functions of seasonality, effects, and causes of seasonality in tourism. So stay tuned to this blog.

Seasonality in Tourism

About Seasonality in Tourism

  • Seasonality in tourism means according to weather and season destinations attract lots of tourists, for example in summer many people visit Goa as the beach and island are major attractions, Another example is in winter people visit hill stations like Shimla, Manali, Leh Ladakh as during winter there is snowfall and people loves to enjoy.
  • Many tourists love to travel during the high season because of the season, weather, crowds, and activities. Weather plays a vital role in attracting tourists for example in winter during Christmas time people love to go to America because during that time snowfalls fall and people love to see and want to enjoy.
  • Peak season means high season and lean season means low season. During peak season the price of flights, hotels, sightseeing, activities, and airport or railway transfers get high, as these are available at expensive rates during that time. During the lean season, the price of flights, hotels, sightseeing, activities, and airport or railway transfers get low in prices and are in the range that low-class and middle-class people can also afford. Special concern is taken off of infrastructure during the peak season as many people travel during that time. Every destination has its time to rise, it could be in peak season or lean season.
  • Seasonality in tourism is also influenced by the fairs and festivals, events, and school and college schedules. When there is a peak season in various destinations, those destinations invest more in infrastructure and staffing.
  • Seasonal tourism has created many jobs for the people who are unemployed as during peak and lean seasons they get a chance to earn a good amount of money. Consumer preference plays a very important role in seasonality in tourism as people according to their needs, preferences wants and budgets decide to go to a particular destination.
  • For example Island and beach attractions, hills and mountains, activities, culture, etc. With the help of marketing and promotion various destinations can be promoted. For example – social media, content marketing, influencer and collaboration, blogging, newspaper, events, trade shows, etc.
  • Destination where natural calamities or natural disasters have occurred the demand for tourists has decreased whether it is peak or lean season.

Functions of seasonality

  • Boosts the local economy
  • Gives a chance to locals to earn
  • Resources and Infrastructure
  • Fairs and festivals promotion
  • Cultural and heritage
  • Peak and lean season
  • Environmental Preservation
  • Price and Revenue factor
  • Marketing and Promotion
  • Infrastructure development and management

Effects and causes of Seasonality in tourism

  • Economic condition
  • Demographics factors
  • Natural Calamities or Disaster
  • Political Factor
  • Weather change
  • Pricing factor
  • Peak season
  • Improper Infrastructure
  • Low Inventory
  • Health issues and Disease
  • Energy usage
  • Less staff
  • Paying high tax

Jobs Opportunities

  • Tour Guide
  • Travel agent
  • Tour operator
  • Hotel employee/staff
  • Coach driver
  • Escorts
  • Sales manager
  • Event organiser
  • Transportation

Why is there seasonality in tourism?

  • Weather and climate condition pushes the traveler to visit the destination.
  • Usually during school holidays winter holidays or summer holidays, many families make trips with their children.
  • During the time of fairs and festivals, it attracts many people to travel and visit or participate in the fairs or festivals. Even some of the people during fairs and festivals only get leave from their office and get a chance to go back to their hometown and meet their families.
  • Seasonal attractions and activities push tourists to travel and offer them to participate in activities.
  • During off off-season the rates of transportation and accommodation usually get discounted price, so this also can be a main factor for most people to travel during off off-season.

Steps to overcome seasonality in tourism

  • Development of attraction
  • Focus on marketing strategies
  • Collaboration with local business
  • Good investment in infrastructure
  • Pricing strategy
  • Improve accessibility and accommodation
  • Government support
  • Engagement with the local community

Seasonal Marketing

  • Seasonal marketing means promotion, and sales of tourism products according to the specific season of a destination. For example – During winter there are lots of people who plan their trips with friends or family to hill stations such as Leh Ladakh, Manali, Shimla, etc. Because of the snow and snowfall, people love to visit these places, and this is also a peak season.
  • And to travel to these destinations traveler is required to make some arrangements like booking transportation, accommodation, activities, guides, airport transfers or railway transfers, etc.
  • And they also prefer travel agent to book their travel and get the best deal. Likewise, during summer most people love to travel to beach places like Goa Thailand, and to travel to that destination again you need to make travel arrangements.
  • Travel agent according to season offers the best travel package to travelers and also promotes and advertises travel products through offline marketing like events, fairs, festivals, etc., and online marketing like social media, content marketing, email marketing, blogging, etc.

Marketing professionals should focus on the following:-

  • Promotion of tour package
  • Mice
  • Plan and organize event
  • Destination planning
  • Infrastructure development
  • Providing good facilities to the client

You may like this:- Topics (click on this link)
1. Significance of tourism
2. Steps to start a travel agency business from home
3. 5 Characteristics of Tourism Products
4. What is tourism and what types of tourism 
5.  What is a travel agency and what types of travel agency



What are the factors of Seasonality ?

The factors of seasonality include weather, fairs, festival, school vacation, events, attractions and activities.

What are the three types of seasonality?

The three types of seasonality include natural seasonality, calendar seasonality, and business seasonality.

What are the four types of seasons?

The four types of seasons include summer, winter, spring, and autumn.

What is the main season in India?

The main season in India are summer, winter and rainy season.


This post is all about seasonality in tourism, its effects and causes, job opportunities, and seasonal marketing. The seasonality of tourism attracts tourists according to the seasons. It has helped people to explore various destinations as people who have a low budget usually travel during off season. It is very necessary to take important steps for the development of tourism infrastructure should be good, proper connectivity, availability of accommodation, and collaboration with local businesses.