Best notes for MTTM-9 Understanding Tourism Markets

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MTTM-9 Understanding Tourism Markets

What do you mean by tourism markets?

Tourism markets refer to the market that involves buying and selling tourism-related goods and services. Tourism products include Accommodation, transportation, guides, escorts, tour packages, etc. Tourism markets include both individual travelers and group travelers who have a purpose to travel from one place to another, it could be business, leisure, adventure, cultural, etc. Various tourism marketing and promotion are done at the fair, by travel agents or operators, and even by social sites as well.

Information for a tourist service provider

  • The information plays a very important role for the tourist service provider as when a tourist plans his trip he is very particular about choosing the destination, accommodation, transportation, etc. so here tourist service provider helps him to choose all the by providing accurate information.
  • If the tourist service provider provides accurate information it also helps in creating the trust of tourists which will help the tourist service provider to make good relationships with the tourists and also help it get repeat customers.
  • Tourists are also very particular about safety and security and if a tourist service provider ensures him where he is planning to visit that destination and tells him the laws, regulations, and everything in detail, Basically to make him fully satisfied then the tourist service provider has a chance to get the deal.
  • If the tourist service provider ensures smooth planning and makes a memorable trip for the tourist then the promotion is automatically done as the tourist will recommend his friend or relatives, by giving good reviews on the website or social sites and word of mouth as well.

What are the various sources of Information?

Here are some sources of information:-

  • Social sites – In today’s world social sites are the top sources of information as most people are active on social sites like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, etc.
  • Books- Many authors provide information through books and nowadays if people don’t have time to read books they can listen in the form of audio, for example, kumkum.
  • Newspaper and Magazine – It is the oldest form of spreading information even today people are in the habit of reading newspapers and magazines to gain information.
  • Television and Radio- It is also one of the oldest and best forms of spreading information as illiterate people can easily gain information by listening to television.
  • Blog – Nowadays blogs are also trending as people write various articles or blog posts to spread information to a large audience.
  • Podcasts and Enclyopedia – It is also used to spread information as adults and children both are attracted to podcasts and Enclyopedia.

What is the purpose of Market Research?

The purpose of market research is to recognize what customers want, how to provide them with a solution if they buy that particular product, to focus on the target audience, gain information about the specific market, analyze the competition in the market, to develop more market strategies to attract a large number of audience, to understand the consumer’s preference and needs, identify the market trends, to expand new markets, the best way to promote so that consumer gets easily attracted and to expand their business nationally and internationally.

What do you understand by travel motivators?

Travel motivators mean when people have a strong motivation to travel from one place to another and that motivation could be education, leisure, culture, business, adventure, sports, religion, etc. Travel motivators have their perspective, agenda, motivation, interest, and desire to travel from one place to another. It is important to understand travel motivators for the tourism industry because according to that only we can figure out which travel motivation for travel motivators attract a lot to travel.

Why it is important to study the behavior of customers in tourism?

Here are some reasons for studying customer behavior in tourism:-

  • Studying customer behavior in tourism is important as if we will figure out customer desires, preferences, and interests then it will be easy to meet the needs of the customer.
  • For example if a customer loves wildlife then while making his tour package you can add jungle Safari which will make him happy and as well his trip memorable so this is the benefit of studying customer behaviour in tourism.
  • It is important to know customers’ likes and dislikes and according to that we should work and make his trip memorable so that the promotion of word of mouth will automatically be done.
  • Studying customer behavior in tourism gives customers satisfaction and enhances their experience.
  • As well as Trust and relationships are also created while studying customer behavior in tourism.
  • Studying customer behavior in tourism gives a push to the tourism business and enhances the tourism industry as well.

How has technology affected tourism?

Here are some reasons why technology affected tourism:-

  • As we know people usually visit travel agencies to book their accommodation, transportation, sightseeing, etc. but nowadays through OTA ( Online Travel Agencies) and various booking sites like Make My Trip, Expedia,, Yatra it has become easy as according to customer needs, budget and flexibility he can book his travel.
  • Various travel apps have been invented through which you can explore nearby attractions, and shopping centers, sightseeing, book a ride, and accommodation and even you can see the maps as well.
  • Social Media platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have affected a tourism lot, In today’s generation people are so active on social sites, and various people through social media spread awareness regarding hotels, destinations, tourism, etc.
  • Online Reviews And Ratings also have created trust in people as when customers tend to book either a hotel or sightseeing they first see the online reviews and ratings and then prefer whether to book or not.
  • Nowadays various bloggers are writing articles on tourism for example why to go to Goa in December, the top 10 places in Dubai, etc. through which people are coming in detail, pushing them to visit, and according to that also they prefer to choose.

What do you understand by domestic tourism? How is it different from international tourism?

  • Domestic tourism means an individual or group of individuals who travel within the country for adventure, leisure, wildlife, culture, etc. Their interest identifies that an individual wants to explore places, attractions, and activities within their nation instead of going for an international trip.
  • Domestic tourism is different from International tourism means people leave their origin country and travel to another country to explore new destinations, cultures, traditions, languages, lifestyles, and experiences. In domestic tourism we don’t require foreign exchange but in international foreign exchange earning is a must.
  • For example- A person traveling to Dubai must have dhiram, to spend on shopping, traveling, restaurants etc.
  • International tourism is quite expensive compared to domestic tourism.
  • For International travelers a person cannot travel without a passport, but in domestic tourism, a person can travel without a passport.
  • International tourism primarily focuses on people who want to travel outside the country but domestic tourism focuses on people who travel within the residence of their own country.

Name some problems faced by domestic tourists.

Here are some problems faced by domestic tourists:-

  • Cancellation of flight and train
  • Extra charges for paying for accommodation
  • Using different languages can be difficult to communicate in a region
  • Unaware of laws and regulations of a particular region
  • Inadequate o Infrastructure might create problems with traveling
  • Poor weather conditions and peak season
  • Poor food quality and water can lead to health issues
  • Safety and security issues
  • Additional charges for entry fee, transportation, etc
  • Environmental Degradation

Define Outbound Tourism.

Outbound tourism means people leaving their own home country and traveling to a foreign country for adventure, business, leisure, wildlife, culture, etc. For example- Traveling to Dubai, Singapore Maldives, Bali, China, Japan, Mauritius, etc. For outbound tourism, a person should have a passport. The main reason for individuals for outbound tourism is to explore new destinations, greet new people, their cultures, lifestyle, relax, and have fun. For Outbound tourism foreign exchange is a must.

Name some most popular destinations of outbound tourists from India 

Here are some popular destinations for outbound tourists from India:-

  • Maldives
  • Japan
  • China
  • France
  • Dubai, UAE
  • Malaysia
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Switzerland
  • Mauritius

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What are different types of markets in tourism?

The different types of markets in tourism includes accommodation, food and beverage, and travel and tourism.

What are tourist markets examples ?

The tourist markets examples include hotel, airlines, car rental, restaurant, entertainment venues, travel agent and tour operator.

What is the biggest type of tourism?

The biggest type of tourism includes beach tourism.

What are the three pillars of sustainable tourism?

The three pillars of sustainable tourism are environment sustainability, social sustainability, and economic sustainability.


Mttm 9 is all about Understanding Tourism Markets. This post covers What you mean by tourism markets, Information for a tourist service provider, What are the various sources of Information, What is the purpose of Market Research, What you understand by travel motivators, Why it is important to study the behavior of customers in tourism, How has technology affected tourism, What do you understand by domestic tourism? How is it different from international tourism, Name some problems faced by domestic tourists, Define Outbound Tourism, and Name some most popular destinations of outbound tourists from India. Here you will find the all important aspects of MTTM-9 for exam preparation and assignment.