Best notes for MTTM-13 Tourism Operations- Best Answers 2024

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MTTM-13 Tourism Operations

Explain inter-sectoral linkages that are established by tour operators.

Here are some examples of inter-sectoral linkages that tour operators commonly establish:

Accommodation plays an important role as tour operators provide this facility to various tourists. For example – A person is traveling to Goa and wants to stay near the beach so he will get in touch with the tour operator to book the accommodation according to his budget and requirements.

Accessibility also is a main factor as the very first thing which comes to mind is how the person is going to reach that destination, which mode of transport will be suitable, he also has to look at the infrastructure as well so for guidance and get his tickets booked he will contact to the tour operator to book his tickets according to the tourist budget and will ask all the queries and will also take the advice and suggestions.

Attraction and Activities are the major factors that push tourists to visit. Today’s human life is so busy that we hardly get time to rest, relax, and spend time with family, so that is why people are so attracted towards the attraction and Activities. For example, Goa is famous for its beaches, Islands, and attractions. Tour operator helps tourist to book their sightseeing eg if the person is for the very first time visiting Thailand maybe he is not aware what are the famous attractions, or how to book or get their tickets so that is why people travel and prefer tour operators to book their attraction.

Government bodies or organizations also play an important role as a tour operator has to tie up with them. For example – For regularly booking air tickets tour operator needs IATA approval, if a person is going to an international destination travel insurance and a Visa are required.

Sometimes tourist asks the tour operator on the last day if they want to go to a restaurant and for shopping, then in the restaurant arrangement is being done, and for shopping pick up and drop service is also
Arranged by tour operator.

What are the various health and societal concerns of residents?

Here are some common health and societal concerns that residents might have:-

Health care is a major concern for residents as sometimes it is unaffordable for people to get their treatment done in good and private hospitals, lack of health insurance, unawareness of medical treatment and medicines, as well as health services.
Residents are also concerned about air and water pollution as the water supply they are getting is not for their health and smoke coming from factory factories or burning wastage is affecting their health.

In today’s generation, mental health like ragging, depression, anxiety, and torture have become major concerns for residents. And there is no support and system service through which we can deal with it. They have concerns regarding crime as day by day crime is increasing such as murdering, raping which leads to unsafe, etc.

Many societies are there where there is no education system this is also a major concern because every student has the right to education and every parent wants to give the best education to his child, so this is also a major concern for residents. Public transportation is also a concern for society as to travel in day-to-day life we often require public transport.

Residents face financial problems and insecurity of money due to fewer job opportunities and there are no social services for the handicapped, disabled, childcare, old age care, etc.

Explain how customer care is different from caring for customers in tourism.

Customer care is different from caring for customers in tourism as in the tourism industry we have to look after the customer whether they are fully satisfied or not, right from the start of the journey till the end of the trip, If in between he faces any kind of problem immediately we have to resolve for example if a tourist is traveling for the airport from the hotel and in between the vehicle gets punctured then immediately the agent has to arrange another vehicle so that he reaches the airport on time.

Caring for customers in tourism especially targets the needs and wants of the tourists. For example, if the tourist has asked the travel agent to make a tour package then according to the client’s budget the agent has to provide the best high-quality service, should provide information, tell the rules and regulations of that destination, etc.

Caring for customers in the tourism industry is very important because the main agenda is that the client should have the best experience so that the next time he plans for another destination he can come again to book his package and as well as he would recommend his relatives and friends to take tour package from this agency only and helps to build a good relation.

What kind of briefing should be given to escort/Tour guides?

  • He should actively present himself and confidently introduce himself.
  • He should brief about the company to the members.
  • He should outline the itinerary and highlight key points like dates, destinations, food, sightseeing accommodation, etc.
  • He should be interactive and friendly with the group.
  • He should provide information regarding the destination which may include history, culture, food, sightseeing, etc.
  • He should know how to handle situations like medical emergencies, disasters, weather changes, etc.
  • He should tell about the rules and regulations of the destination.
  • He should be able to solve the problem anyone is facing.
  • Must carry drinking water bottles and a First Aid Box.
  • He should tell us about the pickup and drop.
  • And In the End he should take feedback from everyone.

Why is it important to maintain good relations with your suppliers in the tour operations business?

  • It is necessary to have good relations with the suppliers in the tour operation business as they give a high quality of service which will create a good impact on tourists and regularly tourists will prefer to deal with us.
  • Regularly dealing with the supplier also ensures that if the end tourist cancels his trip then the supplier will refund all the money if the relation will be good. A strong relationship with suppliers helps to enhance the business also.
  • Trust also plays an important factor likewise if you are facing some loss and want to take service from your supplier then the supplier may you that after some time you can pay the amount and give the best service to your client, so this is how trust plays an important factor.
  • Good relations with suppliers will also ensure the safety and security of the tourist and will receive good feedback from the tourist. Regularly dealing with your supplier and creating long-term partnerships, sometimes you get heavy discounts or loyalty programs. And it also helps in innovating ideas and solutions.
  • And a good relationship benefits both parties which creates a win-win situation as you also receive good and reliable service and suppliers regularly get business.
  • If at the end moment, the tourist asks to arrange services for him you can directly ask the supplier as your relations are good with him.

Name some Distribution Channels In Tour Operations.

  • Accessibility
  • Accommodation
  • Product Flow
  • Promotion
  • Marketing
  • Diverse Platforms
  • Customer service
  • Customization
  • Product Availability
  • Feedback and reviews

How do you prepare for an escort?

  • He should be confident and professional when he is talking to clients.
  • Should know the laws and regulations for preparing for an escort.
  • He should know about safety and security and must have a backup plan if some kind of incident happens.
  • He should be well dressed in a neat and clean dress code.
  • He should be on time as punctuality matters a lot.
  • He should be able to communicate openly, clearly, and confidently.

What are the various sources of earnings for an agency?

Here are some sources of earnings for an agency:-

  • Commission on the tour package
  • Commission on hotel
  • Commission on airlines
  • Service fees
  • Affiliate Marketing
  • Blogging
  • YouTube (Vlogging, short videos)
  • Instagram (making reels)
  • Event
  • Sponsorship
  • Representation fee
  • Consulting fee

Promotional campaigns in tourism

Here are some key reasons for the importance of promotional campaigns in tourism:-

  • Promotional Campaigns create awareness and push people to visit that destination to have a good and memorable experience with their friends or family.
  • It helps in generating leads and prospecting. For example, if a person visits a promotional campaign he will be aware of the destination and its attraction which might create interest in travel, so this is how lead generation is done and after some day prospecting will be done and it might convert into sales.
  • It helps in revenue generation which might include travel agents, tour operators, transport services, hotels, airlines, guides, escorts, and destination management.
  • It helps in marketing and targeting the audience.
  • It also provides an opportunity to collect the reviews and feedback, and if there is any negative feedback they might work on it and improve as well.

Classify hotels into different categories.

  • Luxury hotels – These kinds of hotels offer luxury facilities and exception exceptional comfort which are mainly preferred by high-income tourists or business travelers.
  • Boutique Hotels- These are hotels that are quite stylish, offer personalized services and their design is unique or aesthetic to gain the attention of the guest.
  • Resorts – Resorts are preferred by those people who want to rest, relax, and enjoy recreation.
  • Business Hotels- These hotels are preferred by business travelers as they stay for a short period and want facilities like wifi, laptops, conference halls, etc.
  • Budget Hotels- These hotels are preferred by those guests who do not want to spend their money on accommodation and want an economical service.
  • Airport hotels – These are hotels that are usually near the airport and preferred by those people who miss their flights.

Define Reservations System.

It is software through which we can reserve and book tickets or services. For example, a seat on an airplane, railway, cruise, booking a hotel in advance, a table at a restaurant, etc. basically helps in scheduling according to our preferred dates and arrangements can be made smoothly.

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What are the types of tour operations?

The types of tour operations include Inbound tour operators, outbound tour operator, domestic tour operator, wholesale tour operator, special interest tour operator, and retail tour operator.

What are the 4 types of tour packages?

The 4 types of tour packages include independent tour, escorted tour, incentive tour, hosted tour and freedom tour.

What are two aims of a tour operator?

The two aims of the tour operator are organizing and preparing holiday tour.

Which country is no. 1 in tourism?

France is no. 1 in tourism.


Mttm-13 is all about Tourism Operations. This post covers explaining inter-sectoral linkages that are established by tour operators, What are the various health and societal concerns of residents, how customer care is different from caring for customers in tourism, What kind of briefing should be given to escort/Tour guides, Why is it important to maintain good relations with your suppliers in the tour operations business, Name some Distribution Channels In Tour Operations, How do you prepare for an escort, What are the various sources of earnings for an agency, Promotional campaigns in tourism, Classify hotels into different categories and Define Reservations System. Here you will find the all important aspects of MTTM-13 for exam preparation and assignment.