Best notes for TS-6 – Tourism Marketing | 2024

In this article all the essential aspects of TS-6 (Tourism Marketing)  are covered in each unit, so especially when you’re preparing for the exam or even for the assignment going through this article, will be beneficial. So stay tuned to this article to learn about the TS-6.

TS-6 Tourism Marketing

What do you understand by marketing?

Marketing means selling and promoting products and services. It includes advertising, branding, communication, market research, and determining customers’ wants. Marketing is a great field that adapts to consumer behavior, technology, and market trends.

Discuss the features of tourism marketing.

  • Tourism marketing is considered intangible as it cannot be touched, only it can be experienced or consumed.
  • Tourism products are a mixture of various services.
  • Tourism products cannot be stored, only they can be consumed.
  • Tourists do not own the product, only they buy the experience.
  • Tourist destinations are seasonal as they promote their destination during peak season and off-season.
  • Customer feedback, word of mouth, online rating, and reviews are important in tourism marketing.

Mention the skills that are required for becoming a marketing manager.

  • He should be able to develop new strategies for the organization.
  • His communication skills should be excellent to communicate well and convey marketing plans.
  • He should be able to identify the target audience and conduct market research.
  • He should stay updated about technology and digital marketing.
  • He should be able to lead and motivate his employees well so that they perform well for the organization.
  • He should be innovative and creative for marketing purposes.
  • He should interpret data and utilize analytics tools.
  • And last but not least he should be able to manage well.

How would you make a marketing plan?

  • First of all do the market research and understand your target market.
  • Analyse your competitors and do a SWOT analysis which includes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Set objectives and focus on increasing brand awareness, expanding market share, and boosting sales.
  • Specify your target audience and develop strategies according to their needs.
  • Focus on the 4 P’s of Marketing strategies which include product, price, place, and promotion.
  • Set the budget and evaluate what resources you have.
  • Execute the plan accordingly. After executing the plan make sure to monitor and analyze results regularly.
  • And last but not the least look after the legal and ethical considerations which include marketing activities and laws.

Discuss the relationship of price with market segmentation.

  • Market segmentation helps to identify different customers with needs and preferences.
  • It helps in customizing pricing strategies and different market segments.
  • Customer usually pays a premium for products or services for segments.
  • Price is considered a powerful tool for attracting various segments as it buys by offering discounts, and the demand of segments increases automatically.

What is the role of travel time in selecting a destination?

  • Shorter travel time maximizes the time spent at the destination.
  • To save travel time air transport is considered the fastest mode of transportation.
  • Good accessibility and transport infrastructure impact travel time decisions.
  • Longer travel time can affect the enjoyment of the destination.

Describe the factor that affects the preparation of forecasting.

Here are some factors that affect the preparation of forecasting:-

  • Data quality and reliable data
  • Historical data and analysis of past trends and patterns
  • Market condition, economic condition, and competitor activities
  • Forecasting methods and technology tools
  • Expertise and Experience in Data Analysis
  • Potential risk and Unforeseen events
  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Political and Social Factors
  • Global events and feedback mechanism

What do you understand by technology?

Technology is a tool or a system that is used by people to solve their problems or help them achieve their desired goals. Technology can be tangible things like computers, laptops, machines, the internet, software, devices, etc. Technology helps human beings improve the way they live and work. In today’s generation just because of technology many things have become easier to do.

How can technology help tourists who are interested in historical monuments?

Here are several ways that have helped tourists who are interested in historical monuments:-

  • With the help of technology tourist can explore various historical monuments at their homes. For example – YouTube, website, Instagram, etc.
  • Nowadays there are various mobile apps through which people can find deep information about a particular historical monument. And even through those apps, you can listen to audio guides.
  • There are many historical sites app that provides QR codes through which you can book the ticket online. And even by scanning these codes, you can get detailed information, photos, and videos.
  • For People who encounter language problems, many language translation apps help them to overcome the language problem. These apps are specially used and preferred by foreigners.
  • If a person or a tourist is facing any problem in finding the location of a particular historical monument then he can use GPS and then easily he will find the location.
  • Due to advanced technology there are various services for handicapped people and disabled people.

In what way do email and voicemail contribute to the tourism industry?

Here are several ways where email and voicemail have contributed to the tourism industry:-

  • With the help of email and voicemail tourists can easily enquire about the services they want.
  • Through email customers can get their reservations and accommodation booked easily.
  • If you have booked a tour package through a travel agency for a particular destination then you can get 24-hour customer support through email and voicemail.
  • For the promotion of tourism products, the promotion is also done through email and voicemail, as it helps to target a particular audience.
  • Email and voicemail also help to collaborate business with hotels, airlines, travel agencies, etc.
  • Nowadays tourism boards and agencies use email and voicemail to inform tourists about updates regarding local attractions, guidelines, events, fairs, etc.

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2. TS-3 Tourism Management Notes
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What are the 7 elements of marketing ?

The 7 elements of marketing are Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Process and Physical Evidence.

What does B2B stand for?

B2B stands for business to business market.

Who invented 4Ps?

The 4Ps was invented by E.Jerome McCarthy.

Who is the father of modern marketing?

Philip Kotler is known as the father of modern marketing.


Ts-6 is all about Tourism Marketing. This post covers topics like What do you understand by marketing, Discuss the features of tourism marketing, Mention the skills that are required for becoming a marketing manager, Discuss the relationship of price with market segmentation, What is the role of travel time in selecting a destination, Describe the factor that affects the preparation of forecasting, What do you understand by technology, How can technology help tourists who are interested in historical monuments, In what way do email and voicemail contribute to the tourism industry etc. Here you will find the all important aspects of TS-6 for exam preparation and assignment.