5 Main Components of Tourism Product – Best notes 2024

In this blog, you will come to know about 5 main components of the tourism product Accessibility, Accommodation, Amenities, Activities, and Attraction so stay tuned to this blog.

5 Main Components of Tourism Product

1. Accessibility

It is one of the main components of tourism which includes modes of transportation like airways, railways, roads, water, etc. It includes both transportation and infrastructure. It tells how the traveler is going to reach the destination and to reach the particular destination he has to choose one of the transportation according to his comfort and budget.

When a traveler plans his trip the very first thing he is concerned about the infrastructure is good or bad to reach the particular destination. For example, if a person is planning a trip from Delhi to Dubai, then there is a direct flight with options from many airlines. Still, if there is a change in this plan, he is in Mumbai so from there also he can catch a direct flight to Dubai, so this is how transportation facilities help the people to travel.

Proper Connectivity plays a very important role in accessibility. Good connectivity pushes people to travel to their neighboring countries and other parts of the countries. If there are connected road networks, public transportation systems, good airlines, trains, bus routes, etc. then the traveler will feel comfortable to travel. For example, a traveler wants to explore nearby cultural attractions and historical sites so if there is good connectivity then it will push and motivate the traveler to visit there.

Transport Service plays a major role in components of the tourism product. There should be easy and safest modes of transportation such as trains, buses, car rentals, and coaches so that tourists can easily catch and have convenient access to nearby and popular destinations. Good Accessibility also includes providing correct and necessary information to the traveler likewise there should be maps, information centers, sign boards, etc. So that travelers do not face any difficulty while reaching the destination.

Positive and Negative Impact

S.no Positive  Negative
1. Increase and Growth of tourism revenue Overcrowding leads to pressure on local resources
2.  Development of infrastructure and tourism service Pollution and loss of biodiversity
3. Opportunities creation for local business and entrepreneur Destinations losing their authenticity
4. Preservation and maintenance of cultural and natural heritage sites Risk of local communities losing control over their own destinations
5. Contribution towards the success and sustainability Overtourism can lead to strain on infrastructure


2. Accommodation

It is a crucial element of the component of tourism products. It means to provide a staying facility for the traveler or tourist for a short or long period. Accommodation can be of many types like motels, downtown hotels, Suburban, hostels, luxury resorts, hotels, etc. Traveler prefer the specific hotel according to their needs and budget. For example – A tourist is traveling on a long-distance trip by roadway so in between he wants to rest then he can prefer a motel for shelter and then can continue his journey.

In other words, accommodation is considered a second home for travelers. While choosing a good accommodation tourist sees the facilities available like camera and surveillance system, key card access, 24/7 front desk services, parking facilities, etc. As he is very particular in terms of safety and security. The main agenda of the accommodation is to provide comfort and convenience facilities to the guest which may include Air conditioning, Wi-Fi, comfortable beds, clean bathrooms, a well-furnished room, a restaurant, entertainment options, etc.

One thing more attracts the traveler is that some accommodations should be located at transportation hubs, sightseeing, restaurants, etc. so that they can rest and as well as easily catch the train. For example, In case the tourist misses his train or bus then they can book the nearest accommodation available and then a few hours later can again catch the train or bus. Usually for business travelers the accommodation service should be luxurious as they are not concerned about the money, as they only want good amenities and a comfortable stay.

For them, amenities may include a meeting room, conference room, event spaces, restaurant, wifi, notepads, fax machines, printers, etc. And as we know Business tourism helps in boosting Mice Tourism. Accommodation also creates employment opportunities as in a hotel there are many departments and for the particular department particular staff are required for example – front office manager, lobby, concierge, food and beverage, telephone department, finance and accounts, human resource department, etc. Accommodation plays a very important role in 5 Components of tourism products.

Positive and Negative Impact

S.no Positive  Negative
1. Promotion of tourism and environmental conservation Destruction and deforestation
2. Community Benefits through taxes and investment in public services Infrastructure Strain ( roads, water supply, and sewage systems)
3.  Economic Growth contributes through Job creation Displacement of residents or community
4. Provides a variety of options according to the needs and budget Cultural Erosion and Seasonal Employment
5. Encourages the development of transportation Water scarcity and Waste Generation issues


3. Amenities

Amenities play a significant role as a component of tourism products. It estates services provided by the hotel and the destination. Amenities may include transportation facilities, accommodation, food and beverage, entertainment, information service, spa facility, safety and security, shopping, etc. For example – If a customer gets good and high-class amenities and he is fully satisfied then there is a chance for a repeat customer or he may recommend it to his friends or family and it also leads to the success of the tourism industry.

People who travel with their family are very particular about the amenities Provided by the hotel or available at the destination because they want their trip with their family to run smoothly, do not want to face any problems, and want to make their trip memorable. And even sometimes in the family group old age people also travel so specially before traveling to a particular destination amenities facilities is being enquired or checked.

Nowadays if a tourist wants to check the amenities of that particular hotel or destination he can easily check on Google, YouTube or there are many more travel apps in which they can get detailed information and some informative videos. According to the travel status, most people visit travel websites and according to their preference of amenities and price also make personalized bookings. Sometimes tourist asks travel agents to make their tour package according to the amenities they want at a budget rate. Amenities are an essential ingredient in the component of tourism products.

Positive and Negative Impact

S.no Positive  Negative
1. Make customers comfortable and fully satisfied Overdevelopment and Price Inflation
2. Providing good Amenities helps to extend the tourist stay loss of authenticity in the destination.
3. Revenue Generation for local business Overcrowding and traffic congestion on local resources
4. Fostering repeat business and customer loyalty Leading to economic instability during the off-peak periods
5. leave positive reviews and promotes the destination Increased energy, water consumption, waste generation, and pollution


4. Activities

It plays an important role in the components of tourism products. It includes recreational opportunities for the tourist. Nowadays tourists are attracted to the activities as it gives a thrilling experience to them. Many activities are liked by tourists like bungee jumping, parasailing, paragliding, hiking, mountaineering, birdwatching, river rafting, rock climbing, fishing, horseback riding, mountain biking, etc.

In these activities, many risks evolved which is why it attracts risk-taker tourists and gives them an experience that is filled with thrill.
For example – Many tourists ask travel agents to include activities in their tour packages it can river rafting, parasailing, etc.
Second example – A person is traveling to Singapore with his family in October so he asks the travel agent to add a night jungle safari which is one of the famous activities of Singapore and this experience will make his trip memorable.

Nowadays if a tourist is traveling to a particular destination he is spending most of the money on activities as we know in today’s era human being life has become very busy and boring that’s the main reason why so many people are attracted to the activities.
Nowadays there are many travel websites and apps through which people can book their activities in advance according to their choice and budget.

Positive and Negative Impact

S.no Positive  Negative
1. Stimulate economic growth in the destination area Disruption of natural processes
2.  Fostering cultural exchange and understanding Can harm ecosystem and wildlife
3. Providing opportunities for small-scale entrepreneurs lead to cultural insensitivity or exploitation
4. Raising awareness about important issues and wildlife Create economic imbalances with profits going to large corporations
5. Promote regional development lead to traffic congestion and pollution


5. Attraction

Attraction is also one of the important tour ingredients and pushes tourists to visit that particular place. Attraction can be of many types like heritage, cultural, natural, man-made, recreational, entertainment, pilgrimage, etc. For example – Generally, many people travel to Andaman and Nicobar Islands for the beach and island which comes under the natural attractions.

Another example – In Paris, the field tower is very famous which pushes people to visit Paris, and see it in real many people do travel to Paris to visit the field tower and even it attracts many honeymoon couples to travel and they click many pictures in front of Effie tower and make good memories. Here are some popular attractions of India which may include the Taj Mahal, Anjuna Beach, Red Fort, Golden Temple, Gateway of India, Kerala Backwaters, places and forts of Rajasthan, Hampi, Ladakh, Rishikesh etc.

Here are some categories of attractions:-
Natural Attractions – Beaches, Islands, flora fauna, waterfalls, hill stations, mountains, etc.
Man-made attraction – Buildings, towns, cities, amusement parks, theme parks, zoos, events etc.
Cultural Attractions – Fairs, Festival, Cinema, theatre, museums etc.
Social attractions – Friends, Relatives, Classmates, locals, neighbors, etc.

Positive and Negative Impact

S.no Positive  Negative
1. Promotes mutual understanding and cooperation Overcrowding and Cultural Disruption
2. Encourages the attractions of various destinations job insecurity for local residents
3. Preservation and restoration of historical sites and cultural landmarks Economic Inequality
4. Creates education awareness and enhance knowledge Damage to natural environments
5. Encourage communities to promote and maintain attraction Natural Calamities

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What are the 4 stages of the tourism product life cycle?

The 4 stages of the tourism product life cycle include introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.

What are the three basic forms of tourism?

The three basic form of tourism is domestic, inbound and outbound tourism.

How many types of tourism product are there?

There are 3 types of tourism product which includes natural, man-made and symbiotic.

What are the 6 major components of a tourism destination?

The 6 major components of a tourism destination include accommodation, transportation, infrastructure, amenities, destination management, and tourism services.


This post is all about the components of tourism products. The components of tourism products have played a great role in creating a memorable tourist experience. The components of tourism products include accessibility, accommodation, amenities, attractions, and activities which help in attracting and satisfying the tourist. In the tourism industry, these components are considered important pillars of the tourism industry. Without these tourism products travel and tourism industry is incomplete. I have explained in very simple language the components of tourism products so must go through this blog.