Best notes for MTTM-4 Information Management Systems And Tourism

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MTTM-4 Information Management System and Tourism

What do you understand by Data?

Data refers to the information that can be collected and stored in a structured way. It can be stored in the form of text, symbols, pictures, numbers, etc. that helps to learn and remember about a particular topic.

Give at least three reasons why information has acquired much importance today.

Here are three reasons why information has acquired much importance today:-

  • As we know information plays an important role in human being’s life as it keeps us updated on what is happening in the world and nearby as well.
  • Nowadays Information allows us to connect with different kinds of people domestically and internationally through social media such as Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc.
  • Information helps us to boost our knowledge, and if we are updated with day-to-day information then it helps in decision-making and problem-solving.
  • With the help of accurate information people are getting a better education, jobs in reputed company companies, promotions in MNCs, etc. So this is how important information is in a human being’s life.

What are the sources of Information?

  • Social sites – In today’s world social sites are the top sources of information Many authors provide that people are active on social sites like YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, etc.
  • Books- Many authors provide information through books and nowadays if people don’t have time to read books they can listen in the form of audio, for example, kukufm.
  • Newspaper and Magazine – It is the oldest form of spreading information even today people are in the habit of reading newspapers and magazines to gain information.
  • Television and Radio- It is also one of the oldest and best forms of spreading information as illiterate people can easily gain information by listening to the television.
  • Blog – Nowadays blogs are also trending as people write various articles or blog posts to spread the information to a large audience.
    Podcasts and Enclyopedia – It is also used to spread information as adults and children are attracted to podcasts and Enclyopedia.

What are Barriers to Information?

Here are some barriers to information:

  • Language can be a barrier to information as when people travel to different destinations they find difficulty in understanding the language. And sometimes due to language problems, they can get the wrong information as well.
  • Many rural areas still have internet problems because as we know with the help of the internet we are updated regarding any information and it helps us to gain and enhance our knowledge.
  • Getting wrong information can be cost-effective for eg if a new person has arrived at the Delhi railway station and has got wrong information then the rickshaw wala may take high charges from him, and due to the wrong information student buys the wrong book also which could be cost-effective.
  • People with physical disabilities might face problems accessing the right information according to their needs.
  • Different cultures also lead to cultural barriers and might find the problem in different ways of understanding and sharing the information, as usually happens when a person travels from one place to another, especially for cultural purposes.

Explain the modes through which information is generated.

Here are some modes through which information is generated:-

  • Most of the people gather information by reading books and blog articles on the website. Nowadays if people don’t have time to read books and articles they listen to the books or articles in the form of audiobooks, through which they get information.
  • Scientists do many experiments by mixing up the chemicals to see their reaction so that they can collect informative information and pass it to the students.
  • One of the most common forms of getting information is by talking or communicating with people. For example – in General, while traveling we saw people in the bus or metro used to talk and share information, so this is how information is generated from there also.
  • Nowadays it is trending that people are sharing information on social media as most people of all age groups are active on social media and now it has been considered a big platform to share information.
  • Some people from their personal experience share the information or advise on how this thing has to be done.

What is the internal and external information in an organization?

Internal Information

Internal Information comes from the inside the organization which could be employee gossip, financial data, interviews, selection processes, project updates, operational procedures, data collection, etc. Internal Information helps in the smooth running of the organization.

External information

External Information comes from the outside of the organization which could be customers’ behavior towards the product, competitors’ strategies, market trends, market research, etc. External Information helps us to keep updated on what is happening outside the organization.

Define a Management Information System.

Management Information System is a system that helps organizations manage, make decisions, organize, deal with information, process technology, etc. Management Information System is also used to gather data that which product is selling the most and which stock has to be kept more for sales etc. MIS helps to run an organization more smoothly, with profitability, and in a structured manner.

What is computer hardware and computer software?

Computer hardware refers to the physics parts of a computer system, Basically the tangible products that you can see and touch. For example CPU, hard disk, motherboard, mouse, monitors, speaker, headphones, scanner, sound cards, etc. Computer hardware is considered as the body of the computer.

Computer software refers to programs that enable a computer to perform various functions. It is intangible which you cannot touch. For example – macros, Windows XPFirefox, Linux, Firefox, Photoshop, VLC, Java, C++, Python, etc. Computer software is considered as the brain of the computer.

Mention the reasons for the popularity of micro-computers.

Here are some reasons for the popularity of the micro-computer:-

  • Micro computers are cheap which is why people can easily afford to buy them as compared to other computer systems.
  • Microcomputers are easy to operate it is user-friendly to operate using Windows for new users Also, it is technical and not that difficult to use.
  • Microcomputers perform various tasks like graphic designing, word processing, file management, data entry, gaming, etc.
  • Microcomputers can connect to the internet easily and then it becomes easy to operate and find information related to any niche.
  • In many schools also microcomputers are used for education purposes as teachers teach important subjects or topics on a microcomputer with the help of the internet.
  • Students use computers as a source of entertainment as they play video games, puzzle games, etc. for entertainment purposes.

What is meant by ‘downloading’ data?

Downloading data means downloading the information or file from the Google or internet to your local device ( local disc c) in your computer or laptop. For example, if a student has to do a project on pollution then he will straight away find the information related to pollution and types of pollution in Google and will download the important information as well as the image related to the topic and information from the Google and will store in the local device and then will make the project. Downloading data can be music, documents, pictures, text, symbols, etc.

What is a Network?

A network is a group of devices that helps servers and computers connect to share resources and communicate with each other. Network also helps in sharing resources, communication, centralizing data storage, remote accessing to various devices, providing internet connectivity, etc.

What is LAN? 

LAN (Local Areas Network) – It is the network that is used in geographical and commercial areas such as offices, schools, buildings, campuses, etc. The purpose of LAN is to communicate and share information. Wi-Fi, file sharing, printing, etc. also comes under LAN. And they are faster as they cover a small area.

What are the harmful impacts that a computer can have on individuals?

Here are some harmful impacts that computers have on individuals:-

  • Students spending too much time on computers can have health issues like eyesight problems, headaches, back pain, etc.
  • Playing video games and watching movies on the computer can be a lack of physical activity.
  • many hackers hack individual’s personal and private information and then he has to bear some financial losses.
  • Cyberbullying is one of the harmful impacts that computers have on individuals and it is where individuals are harassed a lot and have serious effects related to harassment.
  • The addition of computer computers is a dangerous sign as it can affect negatively.

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What is the salary of a master in Tourism management?

The salary of a master in Tourism management is between 3.5 LPA and 8 LPA.

What are the benefits of the Internet in tourism?

The benefits of the Internet in tourism includes Information Access, Booking Convenience, Global Connectivity and Cost Comparisons.

What are the types of information?

The types of information includes source, channel, media, recipient, and information needs.

What are the forms of information?

The forms of information include documents and periodicals.


Mttm 4 is all about Information Management Systems and Tourism. This post covers topics like What do you understand by Data, Give at least three reasons why information has acquired much importance today, sources of Information, Barriers to Information, modes through which information is generated, internal and external information in an organization, Management Information System, What is computer hardware and computer software, reasons for the popularity of micro-computers, What is meant by ‘downloading’ data, What is a Network, What is LAN, harmful impacts that a computer can have on individuals. Here you will find the all important aspects of MTTM-4 for exam preparation and assignment.